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Its time to waste less, enjoy more.

Food: We work hard to produce it. So why do we waste it? And what can we do about it? Find out here.


The Hidden Value of Breakfast
I Value Food - 26% of meat products end up in a landfill. That adds up to more than 47 billion wasted calories. Enough to feed 8,600 children for a year.

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American consumers spend $371 per person per year on food that gets wasted...enough to buy 187 cartons of eggs

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On average, food travels 1,500 miles from farm to table. Bananas typically travel even further. Most bananas grow within 30 degrees of the equator.

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It takes 45 gallons of water to produce one glass of orange juice.

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I Value Food - On average, food travels 1,500 miles from farm to table. Bananas typically travel even further. Most bananas grow within 30 degrees of the equator.

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Do not let best by labels spoil your omelet. eggs are actually safe to eat 4 to 5 weeeks beyond the date on the carton.

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Out to Lunch
The average restaurant meal is more than four times larger than it was in the 1950s, This means we: Eat more and waste more

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Restaurant diners leave 17% of meals un eaten. 55% of those leftovers are not taken home

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38% of people who take home leftovers say they often end up throwing them away

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How to value restaurant food

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Ask for smaller portions. Bring home what you do not finish

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Split meals with friends. Support restaurants that are involved with food rescue organizations

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Out to Dinner
Here’s how easy it is to waste 25% of the food we buy

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You buy lettuce because it’s on sale forgetting that you still have half a bag at home. You’re not alone: 34% of Americans rarely or never take stock of their groceries before going to the store

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You use half a tomato then store the rest but it gets buried in the crisper and forgotten. You’re not alone: 44% of americans have found an item in their fridge in the past month that they didn’t realize was there.

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You cook an abundance of food so everyone gets enough, but the leftovers get thrown away or forgotten in the fridge. You’re not alone: About 1/3 of household waste is caused by people cooking or serving too much

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You store your onions with your potatoes which shortens the shelf life of both. You’re not alone: About 2/3 of household waste is due to food spoilage.

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The wasted food from dinner might not seem like much but night after night it really adds up. We throw out more food than plastic, paper, metal or glass. (34.7 million of tons)

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How much food do you really waste? Take the quiz, and get tips to help reduce food waste in the United States.

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